These are some useful links. Click on the Blue words to transfer to the site. The back key should get you back to this page.
Royal Photographic Society.
The RPS is an educational charity committed to bringing photography to everyone. Founded when photography was in its infancy, today we are a world-leading photographic community.
Western Counties Photographic Federation
The prime purpose of the WCPF is to encourage the art and practice of photography directly to members and clubs throughout the catchment area, supporting/liasing with other Federations and the PAGB, ensuring local views and interests feature in national debate. The WCPF organises exhibitions and debates.
The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) is a membership organisation that co-ordinates activities for photographic Clubs in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man). It does this in collaboration with 15 geographical Federations.
- Affiliated to the Western Counties Photographic Federation WCPF. Membership of the Alliance is open to Photography Groups and Camera Clubs throughout Cornwall.
- The CPA organises a full programme of talks and displays of interest to photographers using either digital cameras or film, as well as several competitions open only to member clubs.
- The CPA was formed in 1971, originally as the West Cornwall Photographic Alliance to represent Camera Clubs and Photographic Societies in Cornwall.