Our Club

How to join Truro Camera Club

We are always keen to welcome new members to the club - you are very welcome to come to any of  our meetings to see what we do, with no obligation to join in the first instance. . A raffle is held each week and refreshments can be purchased in the interval.

You are welcome to come along to a couple of meetings to get the feel of the club and confirm it is something you would like to become involved in. Drop by on any Monday when the club is meeting, introduce yourself and we will make sure you have the opportunity to meet members, ask questions and find out about our club.

Information and communication. 

There is a club Facebook page: you need to sign in and get accepted. Contact Jo Howell.

A WhatsApp group Let’s Take Photos that can also be used for announcements. Contact Jo Howell to be included. 

Our website will also be a source of information about events and other activities.

The website is interactive.

  • You will be able to upload and create your personal Gallery
  • You will be able to upload your images for competitions
  • You will be able to see the results of competitions 
  • There will be sections for information and links to useful photography related websites
  • There will be the opportunity to upload a photograph for fellow members to comment on or advise about processing



“The best camera is the one you have with you”. An often repeated saying, but absolutely true! Members of the club use a variety of camera types, SLR, DSLR, Mirrorless, film cameras and phone cameras, etc. So whatever you use, you won’t be out of place. The same applies to lenses. Photoshop and Lightroom are the main processing software that are used but other software is also used. The point is,  there is a great deal of knowledge and experience in the club which members will willingly pass on, all you have to do is ask.

Silver and Gold

The idea here is that members submit photographs they think might be suitable for competition, or images they want advice about. These are then projected in the hall and members comment on them in a constructive manner. A vote is held and if more than half of those present consider the image good it  gets a silver. If a silver is achieved a second vote is held to see if it achieves a gold. A gold means a high standard, possibly good enough to enter into a competition or to frame and put on the wall! A silver is a good image but needs work. 

It is a fun evening where everyone interacts with the presentation.

Outings and field trips

These are of two types. 

There are those organised by the club which have an important requirement, a documented Risk Assessment by the outing leader. This is essential to cover the club for insurance purposes but also reduces the risk of untoward incidents. It is relatively straightforward and will be explained when necessary.

There are also trips that members organise which are outwith the clubs jurisdiction.

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